föstudagur, ágúst 25

Á þetta við um þig?

Crowding at conserts, cinemas, in elevators, trains or buses results in unavoidable intrusion into other peoples´s intimate zone, and reactions to this invasion are interresting to observe. There is a list of unwritten rules that people in Westren cultures follow rigidly when faced with crowded situation such as packed lift or a public transport. These rules include:

1. You are not permitted to speak to anyone, including a person you know.
2. You must avoid eye contact with others at all time.
3. You maintain a 'poker face' - no emotion is permitted to be displayed.
4. If you have a book or a newspaper, you must appear to be deeply engrossed in it.
5. The bigger the crowed the less body movement you are permitted to make.
6. In elevators, you are compelled to watch the floor numbers above your head.

1 ummæli:

Mósagrís sagði...

hahahahaha það er bara pirrandi þegar svona smellpassar við mann